As I mentioned, I did some scrapping LOL. Here's what I did over the weekend.
Life is Just Beachy was my entry for WW1 challenge, and Can you believe that I got THIRD PRIZE !!!! For someone who has NEVER entered a challenge before, I'm rather pleased. It's one of my fave photos of Bailey.
Another LO of Bailey. He seems to be the easiest to scrap lately. Not sure why. This was a sketch for Scrapbook Establishment. Didn't enter though, but was happy with the outcome.
And this rocket is a door hanger for Aidan. I've used the November Wicked Princess Kit papers for it, and a Kaiser rocket. Now I have to do a red one for Bailey !!
This LO is one that I've just finished for this month's WW1 challenge. White, Lime and scallops. Aidan went for a visit to mum's and came back with a new haircut. To look at him, you would think it's Bailey all over again. Quite freaky really !!
So there you go, I have managed to get some scarpping done in between everything else. Wicked Princesses is great, and I love working with Tam. We're thrilled with how things have gone so far, and fingers crossed that it will only get better from here.
I went shopping today and bought these
I've decided to get serious about my running again, and needed the right attire to do it !! I've been running 4 times a week for the past couple of weeks, and I'm feeling better for it. Cracked the 5km this week, without stopping, and did it in 32 minutes. Quite chuffed. I should be running now, but am doing this. Will get onto it ASAP !!!

Ethan has started Little Aths this year and loves it. He did 3 PB's last week. Here he is jumping over the hurdles. He gets the unco-ordinated jump from me !!

Well, best be off. I'll be back next week (fingers crossed) with some pics from Aidan's 2nd birthday this Sunday. Where does time go??
Until then.